The Atrocities Against LGBTQIA+ in Yemen: A Silent Struggle

Yemen, a nation with a rich history and a complex socio-political landscape, has been grappling with numerous human rights issues. Among these, the treatment of its LGBTQIA+ community is a deeply concerning matter. This blog post aims to highlight the challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals in Yemen, emphasizing the pressing need for global attention and intervention.

Historical and Legal Context

Yemen’s legal and societal framework is deeply influenced by conservative Islamic values. While the nation has been embroiled in political instability and civil war, the rights of its LGBTQIA+ community have remained alarmingly restricted.

Legal Persecution

In Yemen, both male and female same-sex sexual activity is illegal. The nation’s legal system does not have a codified criminal code, but it heavily relies on Islamic Sharia law. The Constitution of the Republic of Yemen, amended in 2001, does not explicitly address LGBTQIA+ rights. However, it guarantees certain human rights to all citizens, with the stipulation that all legislation must align with the principles of Islamic Shariah law.

Article 264 of the national penal code prohibits private consensual homosexual acts between adult men. The law stipulates punishments ranging from 100 lashes to up to a year in prison for unmarried men. For married men convicted of homosexuality, the penalty can be as severe as death. Similarly, Article 268 of the national penal code prohibits private consensual homosexual acts between adult women, with punishments of up to three years in prison.

Civil War and Its Implications

The ongoing Yemeni civil war has further complicated the situation for the LGBTQIA+ community. In territories controlled by extremist groups, such as Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, there have been credible reports of men being executed for allegedly being gay. The extremist group ISIS has also been known to persecute and execute individuals based on their sexual orientation.

Media Censorship

The Yemeni government has been known to block access to web pages that express support for LGBTQIA+ rights. This censorship extends to publications and magazines within the country. For instance, in 2012, the magazine “Al Thaqafiya” was shut down by the government for publishing content that expressed some support for LGBTQIA+ rights.


The plight of LGBTQIA+ individuals in Yemen is a testament to the broader challenges faced by this community worldwide. The international community must come together, raising its voice against such blatant human rights abuses, and work towards creating an environment where everyone, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can live without fear.

Note: This post is based on available data as of 2023. The situation may evolve, and it’s crucial to consult up-to-date sources for the latest information.

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